The Mallee Accommodation and Support Program (MASP) have partnered with Homes Victoria to build four new social housing properties in central Mildura creating more homes for regional Victorians in need of housing.

Homes Victoria have provided more than $1.5 million towards the $2.2 million project, which will create up to 19 jobs for the region. Over the next two years, at two sites, MASP will build three three-bedroom units plus another four-bedroom property, which will provide a place to call home for up to 13 people.

The project is funded as part of the Victorian Government’s $5.3 billion Big Housing Build, as part of the Social Housing Growth Fund. The fund was established in 2018 to grow new social housing across Victoria, including regional areas such as the Mallee.

“Thanks to the Victorian government’s support, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in our community,” MASP chief executive Vincent Wilson said.

“This project will support people at risk of homelessness, including many who already access MASP services,” Mr Wilson said.

“We are incredibly grateful to be able to deliver some very big items on our strategic agenda on behalf of our Mallee communities,” he said.

“There is a critical need to build more social housing and take the pressure off vulnerable people and the support services they rely on, and homes such as these give these people more options to build stable, secure lives.”

MASP’s board chair, Mary Rydberg, said the project would provide safety and security for people currently on the Victorian Housing Register.

“Across Australia, there is currently significant pressure in terms of housing, and the rising costs of living we are seeing in the Mallee are part of that,” Mrs Rydberg said.

“The movements and pressure on housing markets means more and more people are being pushed into situations where they don’t have access to secure housing.

“The funding for these projects could not have come at a better time.”

These works come on top of MASP’s three one-bedroom units announced in February this year, which will support young people, and 13 one-bedroom social housing units as a part of the Sunnyside Living project.

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